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Tips & Inspiration

Cultivating Organic Way


Fresh, Local Mushrooms

Welcome to RR Mushrooms, where humble folks work hard on farm across Andhra Pradesh to provide fresh, locally-grown mushrooms to your favorite grocery stores, restaurants, food manufacturers and institutions.

Everything You Need to Know About High Vitamin D Mushrooms

Vitamin D is critical to your overall health and is a major contributor to the immune system. And while receiving the right amount of vitamin D comes with a fair share of benefits, a lack of this important nutrient can mean bad things for your health. 
Learn more about the importance of vitamin D and how you can incorporate this powerful nutrient into your diet by downloading our free eBook: Everything You Need to Know About High Vitamin D Mushrooms.


7 of the World’s Most
Poisonous Mushrooms

The curation of this content is at the discretion of the author, and not necessarily reflective of the views of Encyclopaedia Britannica or its editorial staff. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, consult individual encyclopedia entries about the topics.

Although only a few of the 70-80 species of poisonous mushrooms are actually fatal when ingested, many of these deadly fungi bear an unfortunate resemblance to edible species and are thus especially dangerous. Read on to learn more about these terrifyingly lethal mushrooms.

  1. Death Cap (Amanita phalloides)

  2. Conocybe filaris

  3. Webcaps (Cortinarius species)

  4. Autumn Skullcap (Galerina marginata)

  5. Destroying Angels (Amanita species)

  6. Podostroma cornu-damae

  7. Deadly Dapperling (Lepiota brunneoincarnata)

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