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Mushroom cultivation internship program conducted at Maharaja College, (Autonomous) Vizianagaram.

Training program conducted from 21st to 24th September 2022. As a part of National Educational Policy, all the Higher Education Institutions are now intended to fill the gap between student capabilities and the present day demand of industry/business organizations and employ-ability skills. In this connection, the Higher Education Council of Andhra Pradesh has been instructing all its institutions with appropriate guidelines to facilitate Internship, Apprenticeship and on the job training in collaboration with the industries/organizations in the neighborhood. This program is to ensure that the students develop hands on technical skills which will be of great help in facing the world of work. Accordingly, this program is aimed to get the following learning outcomes:

  • To explore the career alternatives prior to graduation

  • To develop work habits and attitudes necessary for job success

  • To integrate theory and practice

  • To assess interests and abilities in their field of work

  • To acquire employment contacts leading directly to a full-time job following graduation from college

  • To acquire additional skills required for world of work

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Anil K
Anil K
Sep 29, 2022

RR Mushorooms is doing a stupendous job by helping and empowering the students and farming community. The founder has a great vision towards initiating positive changes and impact the society. Mr. Rao has always been an advocate of core values and ethics.... We wish him all the best in his noble endeavour.

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